============ Introduction ============ This project should help with executing the same tasks on pre-defined scenarios/profiles. In case the tasks provide pbench-like json results it also allows tools to analyze and compare the results with main focus on monitoring performance in time. The main usecase of this tool is a performance regression CI. Setup ===== Run-perf is available from ``pip`` so one can install it by executing:: python3 -m pip install runperf or to install directly the latest version from git:: python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/distributed-system-analysis/run-perf.git For development purposes please check-out the :any:`clone-and-deploy` section. Components ========== * run-perf => run perf test(s) and report results * compare-perf => compare 2 or more runperf results together reporting human as well as machine readable output optionally supporting model to smooth the comparisons * analyze-perf => calculate a model based on one or multiple results Basic usage =========== Execute `uperf` and `fio` (with custom params) on machine `foo.example.org` that will be provisioned via `beaker` to Fedora-32. Execute the tests under `Localhost` (directly on the `foo.example.org` machine) and `TunedLibvirt` (configures host, fetches guest image, configures it and spawns guest VM) profiles and report results in `./result_$date` directory:: run-perf -vvv --hosts foo:foo.example.org --provisioner Beaker --distro Fedora-32 --default-password password --profiles Localhost TunedLibvirt -- uperf fio:'{"type":"read", "ramptime":"1", "runtime":"10", "samples":"1", "file-size": "100", "targets": "/fio"}' Process `result*` directories, compare the ranges and create a `linear model` that normalizes the ranges to `<-3, +3>` range:: analyze-perf -vvv -l model1.json -t 3 -- result* Compare `src` and `dst` results using `model1.json` linear model and report the comparison in human readable form to the console, in XUNIT format in `result.xml` file and as a standalone html page in `result.html`. For some tasks the `result*` results are also added as reference for better visualization of the changes:: compare-perf -vvv --tolerance 5 --stddev-tolerance 10 -l model1.json --xunit result.xml --html result.html -- src result* dst ---------- .. image:: https://github.com/distributed-system-analysis/run-perf/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/distributed-system-analysis/run-perf/actions/workflows/ci.yml :alt: Github Actions CI .. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/run-perf/badge/?version=latest :target: https://run-perf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest :alt: Documentation Status .. image:: https://img.shields.io/lgtm/alerts/g/distributed-system-analysis/run-perf.svg?logo=lgtm&logoWidth=18 :target: https://lgtm.com/projects/g/distributed-system-analysis/run-perf/alerts/ :alt: LGTM alerts .. image:: https://img.shields.io/lgtm/grade/python/g/distributed-system-analysis/run-perf.svg?logo=lgtm&logoWidth=18 :target: https://lgtm.com/projects/g/distributed-system-analysis/run-perf/context:python :alt: LGTM Python code quality .. image:: https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/5a2ca7137e0094c24c18/maintainability :target: https://codeclimate.com/github/distributed-system-analysis/run-perf/maintainability :alt: Maintainability .. image:: https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/5a2ca7137e0094c24c18/test_coverage :target: https://codeclimate.com/github/distributed-system-analysis/run-perf/test_coverage :alt: Test Coverage