Results format

The results contain of a hierarchically structured dirs:

├── Profile1
│   ├── __sessions__
│   ├── __sysinfo__
│   ├── Test1
│   │   ├── tmpvy4h14v7
│   │   │   └── __error1__
│   │   │       ├── exception
│   │   │       └── traceback
│   │   ├── 0000
│   │   │   ├── results.json
│   │   │   ├── RUNPERF_METADATA.json
│   │   │   └── __sessions__
│   │   │       ├── host1
│   │   │       └── host1.worker1
│   │   └── 0001
│   └── Test2
├── Profile2
├── __sessions__
│   ├── host1
│   └── host2
└── __sysinfo_before__

Common folders

In any directory you can find __error\d+__ folder containing details about a failure that happened within the current’s folder context. You can also find __sessions__ folder where you can find a complete log of per-machine commands that were executed within this context.


In the root you should see RUNPERF_METADATA with various data about the build as well as __sysinfo_before__ folder with system information collected before any tinkering with the system. Then you should see folders named after profiles that were executed (eg. Localhost).


Apart from the Common folders you should see __sysinfo__ directory that contains sysinfo collected just before the profile is reverted. The remaining folders should be named after the tests (eg. fio).


Tests folder contains \d{4}\d* folders with completed test results and tmp.{8} files containing test results of interrupted tests. Note the completion might not reflect test result, it just means there were no run-time issues during the execution.

Individual test

This highly depends on the test but you might find the usual Common folders here.

We do encourage people to publish at least the results.json file using the pbench-based results format with machine-readable results as we can consume this in our analyze-perf and compare-perf scripts. Also we usually attach a RUNPERF_METADATA.json file with this test’s additional metadata mainly about the worker machines.